Sunday, October 11, 2009

If I pursue my interest in becoming a sports journalist (Sailing)

I hope I will be able to do justice to magnificent men and woman who give it all and put their lives on hold just to challenge themselves and the elements of the ocean.


  1. Ajay, though not a sailor, I have been intruiged by the story of the young girl who wants to do a solo sail. In your blog, you tell the story, but I would like to know what you think. As a young sailor yourself, do you feel that what she is doing is right? do you think her parents should support her in this quest? Or do you think they should persuade her to wait for a few more years?

  2. She seems like a confident young girl with big dreams and goals; she has definitely been influenced by her parents. Looking at the facts, she has clocked 10,000 nautical miles. Many well known and experienced sailors have expressed that she is too young and not ready to sail around the world. No one takes shortcuts when preparing to climb Mount Everest. Sailing around the globe is even harder and one must be sure and confident before undertaking such an expedition. Taking age out of the picture, she seems to be confident and very strong, but with her recent accident, she has created doubt about her ability to manage the rough seas all alone. According to my sources the Majority think she should not be allowed to go ahead with her mission. But if she does every one will want to see her to be safe and finish the mission. She has made up her mind and there is no way anyone is stopping her unless a higher authority some how finds a way to stop her. I have a very mixed opinion on this subject. I think in all fairness that she should be getting positive encouragement and support, after all she is such a little girl, but on the other hand I think you have to be mad to let your child do such an expedition. You have to be crazy to sail around the world, you have to be really crazy to let you daughter do it... I believe Jessica’s Watson life is in danger if she gives this attempt a go; I just hope nothing happens to the young sailor

  3. great idea. keep busy my friend and do justice, with all good wishes,,tandy
